Git continues to track the files that are listed in gitignore

Gitignore not working correctly

git cache

Git continues to track the files that are listed in gitignore

gitignore not working correctly

If you use GitHub Desktop, you might have recently encountered a problem where it continues to track files and folders that are already inside the .gitignore file.


gitignore list

github desktop continues to track already listed gitignore files

This problem occurs when we exclude a folder from .gitignore and then add it back later.

While it seems like GitHub Desktop should update immediately, it might continue tracking those files due to its cache.

We need to untrack the files before the .gitignore rules will apply. We can untrack files with the following command:

terminal or console
git rm -r --cached .svelte-kit

This command specifically removes the cache for the .svelte-kit directory within the GitHub Desktop cache

Then commit the changes:

terminal or console
git commit -m "Untrack .svelte-kit directory"

Now, open the GitHub Desktop and push the changes