How to create a slider with splidejs

sveltekit create slider with splidejs

sveltekit create slider with splidejs

splidejs sveltekit

Slider is one of the most important components of a website, creating a slider is rather easy in sveltekit

  1. Install npm package
    npm i @splidejs/svelte-splide
  2. Let’s create a component named slider inside the lib folder
  3. We must import the content of the package splidejs
    import { Splide, SplideSlide } from "@splidejs/svelte-splide";
    import "@splidejs/splide/dist/css/themes/splide-default.min.css";
  4. Now create several variables for both desktop and mobile & also export those variables too, This allows us to set those slider images from any page.
    export let Slide1 = "/sliderhome/desk_slider_A.jpg";
    export let Slide1a = "/sliderhome/mob_slider_A.jpg";
    export let Slide2 = "/sliderhome/desk_slider_B.jpg";
    export let Slide2a = "/sliderhome/mob_slider_B.jpg";

    /sliderhome/desk_slider_A.jpg means, I have placed the images inside static/sliderhome folder

    With the script part of the slider complete, we must now focus on the markup section.
  5. Let’s examine the basic structure of a Splide slider
    <Splide options={{"slider configuration"}} aria-label="sliderName">
                <!-- Placeholder of slider-->
    Based on this basic structure, here is my actual code
        type: "fade",
        heightRatio: 0.5,
        pagination: false,
        isNavigation: true,
        arrows: true,
        cover: true,
        <img src={Slide1} alt="image_alt" />
        <img src={Slide2} alt="image_alt" />
        <img src={Slide3} alt="image_alt" />
        <img src={Slide4} alt="image_alt" />
    Our slider component is ready.

To configure and customize the Splide slider, read all the options that Splide.js provides