Make sure you have installed node 14.x.x If you need multiple node in the system, you can use VOLTA node version manager Also, make sure you have installed meteor globally already
npm install -g meteor
- Create new METEOR projectCreate a folder & open CMDcmd
This will create a meteor app with the dependency of svelte in the current directorymeteor create --svelte . --prototype
This will create a meteor app with the dependency of svelte by creating a folder named “mToDoApp” inside the current directorymeteor create --svelte mToDoApp --prototype
- Install tailwindcsscmd
meteor npm install tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer postcss-load-config
- Create the tailwind config filecmd
Modify content rule on tailwind.config.js filenpx tailwindcss init -p
tailwind.config.jscontent: [ "./imports/ui/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,svelte,html}", "./client/*.html", ],
- Modify main.cssmain.css
@tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities;
- Install daisyUicmd
Configure daisyui with the tailwind using tailwind.config.jsmeteor npm i daisyui
tailwind.config.jsplugins: [require('daisyui')],