Svelte Solutions: Select field placeholder not working as intended

Select field placeholder not working as intended

Svelte Solutions: Placeholder not showing when binding value to select input field

Svelte dropdown with DaisyUI
DaisyUI select placeholder tutorial
Handling select errors in Svelte
Svelte binding and error handling

This is the standard select template from DaisyUI, where the first option functions as a placeholder:

<select class="select w-full max-w-xs">
  <option disabled selected>Pick your favorite Simpson</option>

I have customized the template according to my needs. Although it might seem like the following code should work, it won't:

    placeholder="Select Hour"
    class="select select-bordered select-primary w-full outline-none focus:border-none"
    <option selected disabled>Select Hour</option>
    {#each Array.from({ length: 10 }) as _, i}
        <option value={i + 8}>{i + 8}</option>
{#if $errors.hour}<span class="invalid text-red-800">{$errors.hour}</span>{/if}

This code won't display the Select Hour text, even though we preselected it using the DaisyUI directive. The reason is that we are binding the value with a Svelte store value.

Let's adjust the value and display the option based on that, also making it unselectable:

<option value="" disabled>
  {$form.hour ? "Choose an hour" : "Select Hour"}

This code will select "Select Hour" option by default & should work as placeholder