Sveltekit Change Page Title Dynamically

Sveltekit Change Page Title Dynamically 

Svelte page title

SvelteKit dynamic titles Page title optimization SvelteKit PageTitle sveltekit Custom titles in SvelteKit

Option 1 - Static page

The <svelte:head> is a special element you can use to insert elements inside the <head> element of a webpage.

You can add this to any page and set the page name like so:


Option 2 - Dynamic Page (Using pathname)

Setting the page name in a static manner can be a repetitive process. We can improve this by using the +layout.svelte file.

  1. Open +layout.svelte & import page from $app/stores
    import { page } from "$app/stores";
    Console log these values to understand what the page store is holding
    $: console.log("page info is: ");
    $: console.log($page);
    $: console.log($page.params.b);
    $: console.log($;
    $: console.log($page.url.pathname);
  2. Let’s use the $page.url.pathname output
  3. Notice the $page.url.pathname output consists of a ‘/’ at the beginning, to remove that we can use the JavaScript slice(1) function, which will slice and remove the first character
  4. Now add the svelte head
      <title>Tutorial | {$page?.url?.pathname?.slice(1)}</title>

    Interpret the code like this - The expression $page?.url?.pathname will first check if $page is defined. If $page exists, it then checks if $page.url is defined. Finally, if both $page and $page.url is present, it will access the pathname property of $page.url

    If at any point in this chain, something is undefined or null, the entire expression will safely return undefined without throwing an error, thanks to the optional chaining operator

  5. At this point, the title should look fine, but if you visit your homepage, you will see an extra “ |” after your website name.
  6. Let’s improve the code again
        Tutorial {$page?.url?.pathname != '/' ? `|
        ${$page?.url?.pathname?.slice(1)}` : ''}

    Interpret the code like this - if $page?.url?.pathname value is NOT same as ‘/’ then print the $page?.url?.pathname value and slice the first character, if not then print blank string ‘ ’